Sunday, December 18, 2011

Don't blink, Obamacare may be gone before you know it.

Obamacare will be ended by the Supreme Court this summer.  Predictions are a fools game, but  I have been called one more for then once. PPACA is plainly unconstitutional and the US cannot afford it.  Do you remember when Obama scolded the Supreme Court at the union address?  They have not either.

The CBO projects Obamacare will cost over $1 trillion over 10 years. There are many other reasons why I hate Obamacare.   Like Medicare and Medicaid, two programs already classified by the US government as high risk for fraud, waste, Obamacare is unsustainable.

Don Berwick, the departing head of Medicaid and Medicare has already stated that 20 to 30% of government healthcare dollars are wasted.  Are these compelling reasons to expand Medicaid?  Or are they reasons to privatize Medicaid? Some states have done so, saving millions of taxpayer dollars.

What's interesting is that Obamacare proponents always to the silver lining of the act, like 2 million people under 26 are not covered. What they don't say is that Obamacare cost a net of 393,000 people their health insurance who are under 26.

PR one-liners do not make a law successful. Results do. And the results are in on Obamacare, it's awful.   Over 1 million people lost their jobs, and health insurance premiums in one year went up almost 10%. The Affordable Care Act is anything but.